
Before iPhones, iPads, or iPods, and long before CDs, cassettes, and Walkmans, vinyl records ruled the music world. Imagine reliving the 60s, one vinyl record at a time. Rock and roll is the dominant genre, with artists like Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and Little Richard earning spins on the record player. Next up, the British […]

According to a study published this week, musicians turn the volume up higher than non-musicians when they listen to music, especially when it’s a tune they like. “These go to eleven,” fictional guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) tells documentary maker Marty DiBergi (Rob Reiner) in the 1984 film This Is Spinal Tap when he shows […]

The music business is plagued by paradox. Quick to change in the face of new media and tech, the industry is tough to crack in terms of power structures. Even in a digital age, there are critical imbalances at hand. It’s easy to see why disruption is a priority for so many innovators working in […]

Marketing models have changed in recent years. In fact, thanks to the rise of Web3 and the increasing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the whole creative economy has shifted. And it’s about time. The music industry generates about $43 billion in revenue; however, only 12 percent of that goes to artists. We needed new models and options when […]

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